Saturday, May 12, 2012

Neck Of The Woods Streaming of Silversun Pickups's new album

Molti li hanno paragonati agli Smashing Pumpkins, ma loro si sentono inspirati molto piĆ¹ da gruppi come i My Bloody Valentine e i Velvet Underground. Una cosa ĆØ certa, i californiani Silversun Pickups sono esponenti della nuova ondata di shoegaze, un sottogenere dell'alternative rock caratterizzato da chitarre distorte ed effettate e un forte senso melodico delle parti vocali. "Neck of the Woods" ĆØ il loro  terzo album e segue il fortunato "Swoon" del 2009 che li ha fatti conoscere al mondo intero, e gli ha fatto guadagnare una nomination come "Best new artist" ai Grammy award. Il nuovo lavoro,  un capolavoro di hard rock ed elettronica, ĆØ prodotto dal grande Jacknife Lee (U2, R.E.M). Brian Aubert, cantante e chitarrista del gruppo, ha cominciato a scriverlo mentre era in tour tra Islanda e Italia . A detta sua "suona come un film horror", l'affermazione ĆØ forse un po' esagerata, anche se ĆØ vero che l'album, a cominciare dalla copertina ĆØ piĆ¹ cupo e sinistro del precedente.  Giudicate voi, cliccando su questo link potete sentirlo per intero in streaming Neck Of The Woods 
Lots of people have compared them to the Smashing Pumpkins, but they feel much more inspired by bands like My Bloody  Valentine and the Velvet  Underground. One thing is certain, Californians  Silversun Pickups are exponents of the new wave of shoegaze, a subgenre of alternative rock characterized by distorted and effetate guitars and strong  melodic sense of the vocals."Neck of the Woods"is their third album and follows the successful  "Swoon" in 2009 that introduced them to the whole world and earned him a nomination for  "Best new artist" at the Grammy award. The new work, a masterpiece of hard rock and electronic, is produced  by the great Jacknife Lee (U2,  REM). Brian Aubert, singer and guitarist of the group,  began to write while on tour in Iceland and Italy. According to her "sounds like a horror movie", the statement is perhaps a  bit excessive, even if  it's true that the album,  starting from the cover is darker and sinister than the last one.Judge for yourself, by clicking this link you can hear it in full streaming Neck Of The Woods 

1 comment:

  1. I love the artwork for this album :) I'll definitely give it a listen


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